Autonomous Education Since 011111001110 - Aamana wa Aemila Aemalan Soliha - Solehul Aemal Bil Khair
2 Yusuf: Ayaath 1-29 - Drought and Fertile each Seven Years
Erase Scars and Strains from In and Around - Geo Merciful
Rehabilitation Research " Kitabun Maknun ": Differing Essence in Autonomous beings of Existence and NonExistence. The most persistent problem in the theory of knowledge is not what knowledge is or what comes from.
One: #Existence. "brought many into Beings" Similar: #1 Existence #1 Living #1 life #1 Animation #1 Animateness #1 Aliveness #1 Reality #1 Actuality #1 Essential Nature #1 Lifeblood #1 Vital force #1 Entity #1 esse.
Two: Opposite: #Non-Existence. The nature or essence of a person. "Sometimes one aspect of our being has been developed at the expense of the others " Similar: #0 Soul #0 Spirit #0 Nature #0 Essence #0 Substance #0 Entity #0 Inner being #0 Inner self #0 Psyche #0 heart #0 Bosom #0 Breast #0 Core #0 Kernel #0 Marrow #0 Quiddity #0 Pneuma.
Moto of vision to develop the Education in a combination of Skills of Qur'Aan and it's Inbound Technical Sciences of Universals in a huge span of Spacive Campus as liberty to resourceful for the Classes 'O' level to "Tahqeeq a Kaamil in bound graces from Allah", aimed to resourcefulness at the Mankind of Globe System. The syllabus can be developed in a disciplinary of Autonomous in the hands of Righteous Pious people with all Technics in the relevant fields. Works in dedication for the Birth's cause as to involving by nature in Good Deeds, which are rewardful at Aaqira. Availing the Academic Labs of respective all streams and Humanity facilities of all at in the same Campus. Also while in the student-level earn and learn system will be a part of the learning role to, not to face unemployment and not to await in a stunt role. On successful completion of Academics, the first face can be employed within the Campus only. The motto is to enabling Mankind with all kinds of knowledge in useful.
Admissions plan initially to commence with "Orphans" as purpose to go with them in easy mode and to produce " Resourced Skilled Persons " as first ten years batch. Performance can be monitored from the Seventh year of Academics itself. Later Admissions are opened to all in open with respective formalities.
Faculties: Alhamdulillah as a Birth's role, the healthy active Seniors around in the Age of "55" years, who are experts in specific fields of subjects has to come forward to involve into the Teaching Program in ' Unique ' as Hasana till last Breath by them. They are Skilled resourceful entities to work with " QurAan and its Inbound Technologies " to integrate in the Autonomous Syllabus, same time to teach and projects to deal. which goes as a reward accountable at Allah - Jalle Shanahu. They made a success of their life by dedicating in the faith of Aaqirah as satisfaction.
The above information is hoping in Aim of special Resource of Education at Minorities, in response to the above already with a good wish, as Faqee committed to the Scenario, spent Seven years in this Syndrome by dedication, identified the topics from the QurAan, it has been preserved of his handwritten as self notes from the QurAan. The work indulged in transparent as Learner by the grace of Allah and 35 years of fikr as backend. At last, there is Niyyath to publish "Qur'Aan with its in-built Technologies" as a real vision to update by the Society as to spend meaningful life at each other in peace at this Planet Earth as good going Civilians and Resourceful for the Regions of this Planet Earth. Creator Allah Jalle Jalalahu greet us. We find the Nature of this Earth in Pleasant.
Alhamdulillah, the accountability is Allah, Good Deeds in performance of Hasana can go, encourage to procure a valid setup for this cause.
#Evaluate the doubts with us by forum or through by below upcoming written scripts as to refer and update as good understandings of knowledge to establish "oneness" at Humanity. Aameen. ( Inshaa'Allah Clues will be continued by scripting in Quran References, Dua-e-Khair, As'SalaamuAelaikum v.r.b ).
Even a better Warrior as Lion, whose path is inbound to Nature's principles, that purposeful Principal Man as Justified Warrior, some time allows to wear the " Harmless Crown " to coordinate with " Weaker and Deserved " where ever as Justice is required, which has likes by Nature and to get provided more strength at him/her. But found as Bandicoots, eating of availabilities, which is troubling to Nearer and Others. Can establish a path of Justice.

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As Good Deed, If in the schedule of life, Men by Women and Women by Men deeply hearted and troubled or any Man who wants to get rescued from the difficulties, to overcome the above dua to recite in open mood as the practice of his/her life. Allaah surely graces us to ease the issues.
Listen exclusively by Head Phone
Upon of any unease - Listen "30 minutes sound above file" till the Path Finders:-" Zulumaati ilanNoor !!! " Ahlullaah's " Boat of Ahl-e-Eman Bi'iznillaah's Sailing Club.
Syntax { ("Ahlullaah is not a Gairullaah") - " Do not Shie; to Renew Emaan - Baark'Alllaah }
end to feel easiness, exclusively by headphone. While listening, if listening broke on any reason-it happens !!!, then have Sterilize (wash) hands face, and legs or do Ablution and to be continued again from "beginning till completes in full", if success, you are in purity. whenever feel unease can listen to, unease can surely become Inshaa'Allaah's ease. May grace every day is to be good for every human being. Transparency of thinking is a must.
Page link to Share as " Essence of Soul ":
#39 Surah Azzumar Aayah 10 Wa Ardullahi Waasiatan - Allah's Earth is Spanned free to live.